We greatly appreciated the work done by the physicians and the training experts of the French INRS with their valuable “ Sauvetage Secourisme du Travail Guide des données techniques et conduit à tenir”( Inrs Department Formation, 2014) to organize a simple first aid manual specifically designed for the HORECA sector. Many foreign workers are now working in this sector in our Country and some of them are in charge of first aid at work.
We then thought it useful to translate this manual into other languages (we started with the English translation).
On the basis of experiences made and observed by the Bilateral Agency for Tourism of Venice (EBT) we also show in the manual how non professional first aiders can manage common scenarios of injuries and malaise. The manual is updated to the latest international guidelines (ERC, European Resuscitation Council 2015)
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An easy first aid manual for the Horeca sector | Download (2,8 Mb) |
Contact |
Roberto Montagnani medico del lavoro ETB Ente Bilaterale del Turismo area veneziana via dell’ Industria 19/C Parco Tecnologico Vega Venezia Marghera Italy Tel: 0039-41-5093133 Indirizzio di posta: medlav@ebt.ve.it, robertomontag@gmail.com Página web: http://www.ebt.ve.it/ |