An information system for the implementation of the new legislation on chemical risk, particularly addressed to SMEs

Several national institutions have developed specificoperational tools to support – especially SMEs – in carrying out a correct evaluation and management of chemical risk . These tools make the necessary information for an effective implementation of the two current EU reference regulations available  (1907/2006 - REACH  Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals and 1272/2008 CLP - Classification, Labelling, Packaging).

Some significant tools are the following:

  • "Agenti cancerogeni e mutageni"
  • MES (Ministry of Economic Development) Helpdesk for the implementation of REACH.
  • CSC (National Chemicals) Helpdesk for the implementation of the CLP.
  • DESC Data Base of the Ministry of Environment.

Further information



Realizzazione di un sistema informativo per l’attuazione della nuova normativa sul rischio chimico, con particolare riferimento alle PMI (Italian)


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Agenti cancerogeni e mutageni (Italian)


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