The BGN-Azubi-App "In der Beruf starten – fit und gesund" is a smartphone app that specifically targets young workers in the hospitality industry. The app is designed to support young people in the phase of transition from school to work and therefore is primarily aimed at trainees in the first year of training. A leading figure within the app is supposed to encourage the development of a positive self-image of young workers. The star chef Juan Amador and the Chef of the Year Christian Sturm-Willms assist in this function and talk in short video interviews about their career start. The app provides background information and interactive tools regarding career, stress and relaxation, sleep, nutrition and exercise. You can test for example if you are a night owl or an early bird and develop your optimal sleep schedule. Or you learn about good nutrition even with working in shifts. Of course, the app can be beneficial for all workers as well.
The app was developed by the insurance association for the food and hospitality industry (BGN) within the project INDIGHO. It was the goal of the project to support companies in the catering and hotel industry with offers that help to keep current and future professionals in the hospitality business. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund of the European Union.
The free app is available on Google Play and the App Store from Apple.