In the "dual" system of the vocational education in Germany the education is adapted to defined "job descriptions". The vocational schools provide the theoretical bases, the enterprises provide practical experience. "Co-operations for education" are supplement offers with the aim of practical offers for students exceeding the offers at school and including the subject of safety and health. While the students' participation in these "co-operations for education" is supported by the schools, it is still voluntary. In this context the teachers are important multipliers.

Aims of the "co-operation for education"

  • Practical education offers for students into which preventive contents are integrated.
    These offers supplement classes
  • Teachers, enterprises (trainers) and other “stakeholders” of prevention (for example health insurance companies) are to be involved


The school, the BGN (German Safety Accident Insurance Institution for the foodstuffs and catering industry) and the company  trainers will elaborate a joint education concept at a "round table".
The program will be forwarded to the students and the enterprises. The enterprises have to exempt the students for these events.
The seminars will take place in the enterprises or in locations of the school.


  • Enterprises, entrepreneurs, trainers
  • Honorary trainers for the specialised practice
  • Trainers of the BGN
  • Trainers of other institutions (for example fire brigades, health insurance companies)
  • Associations


  • Qualified organisation (booking of places, invitation, keeping of a register of participants, etc.)
  • Life-accompanying vocational learning 
  • Control of educational processes



Constanze Nordbrock

Abteilung Bildung und Organisationsentwicklung
Dynamostrasse 7 – 11