Safety & Work Web Feed für Safety Work Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:53:01 CEST DIABETES, HOW WE CAN PREVENT IT, HOW WE NEED TO KEEP IT UNDER CONTROL <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> Migrant workers are faced with a strong need for change and adaptation to new contexts, including lifestyle, nutritional habits, leisure activities, etc. In recent years clinical investigations carried out for migrant workers gave evidence that the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension within the communities of these workers is far from negligible .&nbsp; Easy&nbsp; documents &nbsp;on how to steer lifestyle and nutritional habits towards prevention can therefore be helpful. Relaunch of the website <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> The website offers cross sector information and tools both for manufacturers and users of machinery to prevent the defeating of safeguards. The content of the webpage is developed by the working group “defeating of safeguards” which consists of representatives of German social accident insurance institutions and is chaired by the institute for occupational safety and health. The content is made available in German and English alike. Videos on hazardous substance <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> Hazardous substances are found almost everywhere and the risks they pose should not be underestimated. A good risk assessment helps to handle these hazards so that you can work safely with them and protect the health of your employees. Stop defeating - New explanatory film for machine manufacturers by DGUV <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> In the world of machines, safeguards are of crucial importance. But what happens when these safety devices themselves become a problem? The new explanatory film is aimed at manufacturers of machines and systems and highlights the challenges associated with defeated safeguards. Forum Prevention 2024 <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> The Prevention Forum will once again place the organisational focus on the numerous national working groups. An international seminar and the conference of the Society for Safety Sciences round off the programme. This year's event will focus on the following topics: Digitalisation: kick-off of the AUVA focus on implementing the EU-OSHA campaign &quot;Safe and healthy working in times of digitalisation&quot; Vision Zero: Tools, examples and experiences of the Vision Zero campaign of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) International symposium "Cultural Diversity at Work - Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers" <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> What does safe and healthy cooperation look like in a culturally diverse workplace? The interaction between migration and occupational health and safety will be the focus of the international symposium&nbsp;&quot;Cultural Diversity at Work - Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers,&quot;&nbsp;to be held&nbsp;27-29 May, 2024, in Dresden (Germany)&nbsp;in a hybrid format. Ergonomics: Less physical stress – more productivity <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> Suva's website &quot;Physical stress and ergonomics&quot; focuses on the prevention of risks arising from physical stress in the workplace. It points out the importance of ergonomics in preventing injuries and occupational illnesses. It offers practical recommendations for improving working conditions: Design of the workplace, training of employees in ergonomic best practices (postures, ...), use of aids for handling loads and work organisation. New offers for occupational health management from “Health Promotion Switzerland” with tools and information suitable for everyday use. <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> The Leadership Kit and the HR Toolbox provide quick and easy support for managers and human resources officers in their everyday work. The offers were developed especially for small and medium-sized companies for independent use. Management of Hazardous Substances <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> This brochure presents the consequences of legislation on the handling of hazardous substances with the focus on health protection in the workplace. Starting from the European legal framework for the handling of hazardous substances at the workplace, the respective national legal implementations in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain will be shown. The most important laws, regulations, and rules will be briefly outlined. Explosion protection with exciting expierences <div><img width="300" style="max-width: 300px; float:left; margin: 0px 10px 10px 0px;" src=""/> <div/> Explosions can be impressive - but they can have devastating consequences. How can we prevent them with suitable, simple protective measures? A new video series shows in an impressive and instructive way that it is important to understand interrelationships.