In these particular workplaces workers may be exposed to serious health risks because of the presence of toxic chemicals including carcinogenic agents. The present guideline is meant to give criteria for an effective control of these risks. This document can be therefore especially useful for all the figures such as employers, safety officers and environmental consultants, entrusted with the task of coordinating health and safety at polluted sites.
Description | File |
Protocollo per la valutazione dell'esposizione dei lavoratori addetti alla bonifica di siti industriali ad alto inquinamento chimico (italian version) | Download (0,46 MB) |
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Teresio Marchì Direttore Spisal ULSS 3 Serenissima Distretto del Veneziano Director of the Occupational Health Service Local Health Unit of Venice Laura Visentin Chimico Spisal ULSS 3 Serenissima Distretto del Veneziano Chemist of the Occupational Health Service Local Health Unit of Venice Azienda ULSS 3 Serenissima Distretto del Veneziano Dipartimento di Prevenzione UOC SPISAL—Servizio Prevenzione Igiene Sicurezza Ambienti di Lavoro Piazzale S. Lorenzo Giustiniani 11/d 30174 Venezia-Mestre Tel. 0039-41 2608471 Web : |