Publication series of BG RCI "kurz & bündig"

In the publication series of BG RCI “kurz & bündig” (short and succinct) themes of occupational safety and health are prepared in an easy and comprehensive way and explained clearly. Target group are in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the contents easy to understand suites, however, also for all other actors working in occupational safety who want to get a quick overview over important themes of occupational safety. Appropriate contents are, in addition, edited as checklists. So you get a quick overview over hazards at the workplace and detect rapidly, in case of a systematic processing, the need for action in your enterprise. All issues of the series “kurz & bündig” are available in printed form at the BGRCI media shop:

Further information


Dr. Michael Glück
Leiter Kompetenz‐Center Präventionsprodukte und ‐marketing
Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie
Kurfürstenanlage 62
D ‐ 69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221 5108‐21600
Fax. 06221 5108‐21199