With this flyer the Occupational Safety And Health Service Department of Public Health of the Local health Unit of Venice gives its contribution to the prevention activities in the hairdressing sector. The main occupational risks of hairdressing are here shortly reviewed and the safety check used for the enforcement activities of the Occupational Safety And Health Office is shown. All through the year 2016 this safety check was used for the surveys of the Occupational Safety And Health Service of Venice in more than thirty hairdressing salons.
This seems to be a good example of how Public health Services can help the employers of the small companies to keep their workplaces safe and healthy.
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Safety flyer for the hairdressing salons (italian version) | Download (1MB) |
Contact |
Dr. ssa Maria Nicoletta Ballarin Dirigente Medico Dipartimento di Prevenzione Servizio Prevenzione Igiene e Sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro Distretto di Venezia P.le San Lorenzo Giustiniani 11/D 30174 MESTRE VE Tel.: +39 412608455 Mob.: +39 3472558606 Fax +39 412608445 |