Strategic framework on health and safety at work 2021-2027

A short presentation

The advanced regulatory system and the a three-part approach (workers, employers and governments) are indicated as the basis for the improvements achieved on health and safety at work in the European Union in the 30 years and more since the promulgation of the framework directive 389/1991.

The need to keep up with the pace of the changes in the world of work that have occurred in recent years, such as the progressive aging of the working population and the emergence of new professions connected with the digital technologies, is underlined.

It is indicated that an essential objective is also to strengthen the protection of workers against carcinogens (Work-related cancers alone account for over 50% of work-related deaths in the EU ); the wave of renovation of buildings, in the context of the European Green Deal, will inevitably lead to an increase of the exposure to asbestos.

The prevention of psychosocial risks is also expected to be increasingly important in the coming years : before the pandemics , around 84 million workers in the EU were affected by mental health problems and the trend towards a permanent connectivity triggered by remote working during the pandemics has surely increased these problems.

Another essential aspect to be accounted for, according to the Commission, is to improve the protection of workers against work-related cardiovascular diseases, such as heart diseases and stroke. Although these diseases are the second leading cause of work-related deaths, very little is known about the occupational risk factors for these diseases and adequate prevention measures are consequently lacking in many work activities.

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Roberto Montagnani, medico del lavoro
Ente Bilaterale del Turismo Provincia di Venezia (EBT Venezia)
via dell’ Industria 19/c Parco Tecnologico Vega
Venezia Marghera
phone: 0039-41-5093133
Ente Bilaterale Terziario Commercio
Via Torino, 151/a Venezia Mestre
phone: 0039-41-5322543