
New offers for occupational health management from “Health Promotion Switzerland” with tools and information suitable for everyday use.

The Leadership Kit and the HR Toolbox provide quick and easy support for managers and human resources officers in their everyday work. The offers were developed especially for small and medium-sized companies for independent use.


Instruction material in Ukrainian

BG RCI publications overcome language barriers in occupational safety and health

Thousands of men and women from Ukraine have fled to Germany to escape the war in their country - and many of them have gained a foothold in the local labour market. To enable them to work safely and healthily despite language barriers, the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI) has translated ten “short safety talks” into Ukrainian.


Smoking, alcohol and drugs – COVID-19 Prevention and Information

The available scientific data clearly indicate that alcohol abuse, smoking and drugs can make worse the consequences of corona virus infection. With this short booklet we aim to increase in the workplace managers’ and workers ‘awareness about the need to control or eliminate these risk factors, now that the corona virus pandemic threatens so seriously everyone’s health.

We added an abridged English version to the Italian text.


Fact Sheet No. 1: Cyber Security in Small Enterprises

Also small enterprises become victims of hacker attacks! Devices and machines with an Internet connection still have many security gaps. And more than 350,000 new malware programs are detected every day.

A malfunction or a failure of IT systems can very quickly lead to a loss of image, loss of production or major damage - reasonable IT protection, however, can be achieved with relatively simple means.

In order to reduce the risk of something like this happening to you, take the measures described in the Fact Sheet!


Fact Sheet No. 2 „Safe Passwords in Small Enterprises”

The Fact Sheet No. 2 in our series describes again a real-life example: A confectionery manufacturer discovers that the chocolate bars produced contain too much salt. 

Investigations reveal that the company has become a victim of a hacker and the recipe has been manipulated via the internet. The hackers succeeded to use the „remote maintenance“ access which was not deactivated after the machine was installed.


Fact Sheet No. 3: Shut the Door - against Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses

The small historical restaurant named „Zum Lamm” with 20 employees is located at the centre of Bonn. It has been a popular destination for decades as this is the third generation of owners in the family. However, over the last 10 days, the restaurant remains closed, as its online booking system, computers and POs devices have become inaccessible. A few days earlier the owner had received a convincing email with an invoice attached supposedly from their trusted wine supplier. 


The self-check “safety and health in the enterprise”

The Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gaststätten (BGN) offers free of charge a self-check „safety and health in the enterprise“ as a web-app which can be used with each modern smartphone with up-dated browser.

With the self-check every entrepreneur of the BGN-branches can find out which significance the topics safety and health at work do have in their enterprise and if these topics have already been integrated in the daily work. This check is not time-consuming: about 30 minutes of process time and for evaluation.


10 Vital Rules

More safety at the workplace is the objective of the Safety Charta (www.sicherheits-charta.ch). It had been initiated by Suva in cooperation with employers’ associations, designers and trade unions. STOP in case of danger, remedy the danger, continue to work.


Systematic occupational safety and health by the help of GDA-ORGAcheck

GDA-ORGAcheck allows small and medium-sized enterprises to check and improve their occupational safety and health organization.


Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWP) in construction sites

This booklet promotes an effective and safe use of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP) in temporary or mobile construction sites, describing the following topics:

  • legislative regulations in force;
  • existing kinds of MEWP;
  • criteria for their selection and safe use;
  • aspects to be considered when assessing risks for MEWP operators (i.e. accidents, electrocution due to contact with power lines);
  • management of emergencies;
  • operating procedures.

Safety planning in a construction site

This publication provides a guidance to the application of the current regulations concerning occupational safety and health on construction sites (Chapter IV of the Legislative Decree 81/2008 as amended) and suggests a method for drawing up the safety plans, based on a careful assessment of all risks. Moreover, you can find some patterns, provided with practical examples, for the elaboration of: 

  • Safety and Coordination Plan (SCP)
  • Safety and Operational Plan (SOP)

The Demografic Situation of the German Hotel and Catering Sector: 2000 – 2010 (INDIGHO)

Sorry, this article is only available in the original german version.

Click here for an abstract in English.


Vademecum for an ethical construction site

This vademecum is addressed to those persons in charge of safety in the building sector: Employers, Health and Safety Managers and Workers’ Representatives for Safety. 


Safety guide for roofing

A partnership between the professional Organization for Prevention in the Construction Industry and Public Works (OPPBTP), the Regional Health Insurance Fund for Parisian region (CRAMIF), unions representing artisans and SMEs of the roofing sector (CAPEB) and the union for HVAC engineering enterprises and plumbing coverage (GCCP) helped to prepare documents that provide an overview of prevention tools, best practices and decision support for enterprises of the roofing sector.

Events on this topic were held


Mental Stress in the enterprise-New guideline for small enterprises

A risk assessment is a legal duty. It makes sense to add an evaluation of mental strains at the workplace and to provide a detailed insight into concrete strain situations.

BGN now offers guidelines for the evaluation of psychological hazards, especially for the hospitality sector, the bakery and the meat processing industry. 



Defeating of safeguards on machines can cause serious accidents, high costs and restrict the availabiltity of machines. Taking a look inside the enterprises shows: one-third of safeguards are defeated (from "Report of defeating of protective devices of machinery" -only available in german-). This results in thousands of accidents every year – some of them fatal. The aim must be to prevent these accidents.


Hotel, restaurant and catering trade - competent, safe and cost-efficient

Sorry, this article is only available in the original german version.

Click here for an abstract in English.


Prevention in the office goes online with the FCOS Box

The FCOS Box (https://www.ekas-box.ch/en/#!/home) provides a virtual tour of various office situations that deal with the following areas: “Working ergonomically”, “Accident prevention”, “Setting up the office” and “Office planning”. With a generous dash of humour, the two characters Sophie and Alex show how health and safety in the office can be improved with relatively little effort.


Operating instructions for enterprises in the pyrotechnic sector

The pyrotechnic sector – including manufacturing, storage and selling of fireworks – is particularly risky and affected by frequent accidents and injuries (usually fatal). Inail, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defense, has drawn up the following booklet, whose aim is helping pyrotechnical enterprises – mostly small-sized and artisan ones – to manage occupational safety and health (OSH).


Don' t let sway you by electromagnetic fields

The poster gives advice to enterprises for dealing with persons who wear implants and who are exposed to electromagnetic fields. This poster is well suited to be displayed in any kind of enterprise.


Buy extraction units – but in the right way!

The information “buy extraction units – but in the right way!” (I 7006-2) is very new and supports enterprises to consider important data before buying extraction units.



PARI Maintenance is a risk assessment software, based on the risk assessment standard EN ISO 14121-1. The tool allows maintenance workers to perform risk studies by analysing hazardous situations occurring in maintenance and repair operations.


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