Ready to use hazardous substances?

This brochure explains the most relevant aspects when handling hazardous substances. Using hazardous chemical agents can lead to risks to the safety and health of workers, such as irritation, poisoning, and burns. Long-term effects, emanating, for example, by carcinogenic agents, can cause occupational diseases. Furthermore, chemical agents with physical hazards have the potential to cause accidents like fire and explosion. Chemical agents with hazards for the environment can constitute risks for aquatic life and the ozone layer.


Psychological Stress and Strain Experienced by Employees during the Corona Pandemic

The Corona pandemic demands a lot - from employees, managers and employers. We often only notice how stressful the distance rules, the many restrictions and distanced contacts, e.g. in the home office, are when we are already in the middle of the situation. But also the fear of an illness, the actual experienced illness or even the death of colleagues or even family members or friends is stressful and creates a continuous stress reaction.


Hydrogen production and use in fuel cells

At a time when renewable energy sources are being sought, hydrogen appears to be one such essential source. This new “energy carrier” is promising, particularly because it can be part of a virtuous circle.


WSPS Small Business Centre: “Violence and Harassment”

The threat of workplace violence or harassment poisons the work environment. It sabotages productivity and undermines a company's culture. It hurts a business financially because of the costs of violence-related injuries, government fines, disrupted work and decreased productivity. It affects the employer's relationship with its employees and it can damage the company’s reputation with clients as well as its employee retention and recruitment efforts.


WSPS Small Business Centre

The WSPS Small Business Centre offers health and safety roadmaps based on company size. The site is intuitive, easy to use, and focuses on core compliance requirements for Ontario Occupation Health & Safety legislation. Click on the Roadmap size that reflects your business, and the website populates itself with resources specific to your needs.


Workplace Hazard Awareness Course (WHAC)

The Workplace Hazard Awareness Course (WHAC) is a free training programme for teenagers.  It is usually taught in schools but can also be used for college induction training.  It was developed by IOSH with help from the HSE and is designed to prepare young people for their work experience or first job.  The course has more than 20 activities and takes 6 – 8 hours to deliver. 



Defeating of safeguards on machines can cause serious accidents, high costs and restrict the availabiltity of machines. Taking a look inside the enterprises shows: one-third of safeguards are defeated (from "Report of defeating of protective devices of machinery" -only available in german-). This results in thousands of accidents every year – some of them fatal. The aim must be to prevent these accidents.


Workplace Health Promotion -WHP

Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) is a complex strategy of programs addressed to the improvement of organizations and of the health and mental well-being of workers in order to achieve a balance between work and private life.


Quiz – Campaign „Keep up!“ - Safety on ladders and treads

Falling from heights (whether it is from a ladder or from stairs) often results in severe accidents. This does not only involve serious injuries, but there is a range from temporary to permanent disability, possibly with a longer absence from work, or even casualties. One main focus hence should be the conduct and manner of working of the staff members.


Mis-Identification of chemicals

Mis-Identification of chemicals is a key problem for production plants specialising in batch processing, such as are commonly encountered in the fine-chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. In this publication, hazards resulting from the mis-identification of chemicals are presented and preventive measures are described.


Wineries and oil mills

This publication, divided into three booklets, reports the results of a project dedicated to the production of wine and olive oil, aimed to assess the following risk factors:

  • chemical agents;
  • physical agents;
  • biological agents.