This Won't Hurt a Bit: Supporting small business to be healthy, wealthy and wise

Libby McEnhill and Karen Steadman

24 November 2015

The fifth paper from the Health at Work Policy Unit suggests that there is a clear need for SMEs to support the health and wellbeing of their staff more consistently, and that there is a strong business, human and economic case for them doing so.
The report identified a number of gaps in current provision and makes a series of recommendations aimed at addressing these. These are grouped under three key themes:

  1. Taking a strategic approach to SME employee health and wellbeing
  2. Developing and delivering SME-appropriate training, resources and support
  3. Improving SME access to advice and support

"This Won't Hurt a Bit: Supporting small business to be healthy, wealthy and wise" - Executive Summary                                       

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"This Won't Hurt a Bit: Supporting small business to be healthy, wealthy and wise" Download (3,44 MB)