Instruments of analysis

Self-check: Safety and health at work

With the self-check "Safety and health at work" you can find out how important the topics of safety and health at work are in your company and whether or how these topics are already integrated into everyday work. You should plan about 30 minutes to complete and evaluate the check.



The new generations of smartphones and tablets are increasingly being used for a wide variety of purposes. The Austrian Worker´s Compensation Board (AUVA) wants this trend to continue and has begun developing a number of different apps following extensive preparatory work.


7 Golden Rules for Small Businesses

This Guide is based on the ISSA Guide “VISION ZERO: 7 Golden Rules for Zero Accidents and Healthy Work”. It is a special offer for small businesses, where the employer herself / himself is the only leading person, being responsible to manage alone the safety, health and well-being of her / his employees. In order to meet this ambitious challenge, it is important for the employer to care for her / his own safety, health and well-being thus offering a pro-active role model behaviour to her / his workers.


The self-check “safety and health in the enterprise”

The Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gaststätten (BGN) offers free of charge a self-check „safety and health in the enterprise“ as a web-app which can be used with each modern smartphone with up-dated browser.

With the self-check every entrepreneur of the BGN-branches can find out which significance the topics safety and health at work do have in their enterprise and if these topics have already been integrated in the daily work. This check is not time-consuming: about 30 minutes of process time and for evaluation.


Prevention in the office goes online with the FCOS Box

The FCOS Box (!/home) provides a virtual tour of various office situations that deal with the following areas: “Working ergonomically”, “Accident prevention”, “Setting up the office” and “Office planning”. With a generous dash of humour, the two characters Sophie and Alex show how health and safety in the office can be improved with relatively little effort.


Vademecum for an ethical construction site

This vademecum is addressed to those persons in charge of safety in the building sector: Employers, Health and Safety Managers and Workers’ Representatives for Safety. 


Fit and healthy in small enterprises

Working: Stress-free - together - better

The new BG Information Sheet „Arbeiten: Entspannt - gemeinsam - besser“ (Working: Stress-free - together - better) explains how stress develops on the basis of six case examples and suggests possibilities to keep stressful work situations under control.

Sorry, this article is only available in the original German version.

Click here for an abstract in English.
