Summaries and reports

Strategic framework on health and safety at work 2021-2027

A short presentation

The advanced regulatory system and the a three-part approach (workers, employers and governments) are indicated as the basis for the improvements achieved on health and safety at work in the European Union in the 30 years and more since the promulgation of the framework directive 389/1991.


This Won't Hurt a Bit: Supporting small business to be healthy, wealthy and wise

The fifth paper from the Health at Work Policy Unit suggests that there is a clear need for SMEs to support the health and wellbeing of their staff more consistently, and that there is a strong business, human and economic case for them doing so.

The report identified a number of gaps in current provision and makes a series of recommendations aimed at addressing these.


The Demografic Situation of the German Hotel and Catering Sector: 2000 – 2010 (INDIGHO)

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