Back pain

AUVA app: Lifting and carrying

The new generations of smartphones and tablets are increasingly being used for a wide variety of purposes. The Austrian Worker´s Compensation Board (AUVA) wants this trend to continue and has begun developing a number of different apps following extensive preparatory work.


“Back school – neck school” at work

Back pain and neck pain have several causes, among which an inappropriate use of the vertebral column and wrong postures. This booklet shows correct postures and movements, useful for preventing pain, applicable in all working sectors. Moreover, some exercises, to be made on workplace and/or at home, are available.


Don't wait, move yourself!

At any age regular physical activity promotes a healthy lifestyle. This small handbook aims to give practical support to the companies to make easier the carrying out of projects which can support workers in the introduction of physical activity in the daily schedule at workplace.


Back to Balance

Statutory accident insurance in Germany – standing for safety and health at the workplace for over 125 years.The BGN, Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe provides statutory accident insurance for enterprises of foodstuffs, the beverage industry, the hotel and restaurant industry, bakeries and pastries shops, the meat processing industry, breweries and malt houses as well as fairground workers and circus enterprises. The BGN offers insurance protection to 3.3 million people in over 400.000 enterprises for accidents at work and occupational diseases. Prevention is one of its essential tasks. ...


Work-related musculoskeletal disorders

This booklet, addressed to employees and their Representatives for Workplace Safety, shows the preventive measures to be applied by workers whose activities are potentially hazardous for the spine or upper/lower limbs. 


Fit and healthy in small enterprises

A healthy back

The present paper offers simple and quick assistance in the execution of hazard evaluation for strains on back and joints. In addition, it contains practice-oriented and economic possibilities to avoid back and joint aches.

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Keep your back healthy in order to work better

How to keep your back healthy in order to work better (various Authors)
This material shows some significant aspects of the prevention of back pain, the most common symptom of malaise among European workers, both male and females
(see 5th European Working Conditions Survey Eurofound 2012, Fifth European Working Conditions Survey, Publications Office of the European Union)



A Rucksack to avoid back pain

This microsite was developed for employers and employees of small, medium and big enterprises to improve the knowledge about back pain, its prevention and the possibilities to influence the conditions at work. On the site you can find a collection of several tools for employees as well as for experts for occupational health and safety, f. i. information about back pain, media, films, online-tests, posters a. s. o. All examples are from the food stuff industries and the catering trade. 

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Fact kit for a healthy back

The fact kit "Rückengesundheit" - a healthy back - has been developed by the Concerted German OSH Strategy (GDA) within the framework of a work programme intending to prevent back problems and diseases of catering staff. Here, you will learn more about contents of and subjects treated in the fact kit.

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Lightning strike