First aid

First aid at work during the coronavirus pandemic

The pandemic has made necessary to change also first aid activities in the workplaces, that now must always be organised in accordance with the necessary safety measures for Covid -19.

We prepared this short illustrated document to explain how at workplace first aid attendants can be properly protected and at the same time how to ensure the continuation of a reliable first aid assistance for workers, guests, clients, visitors.


Poster: First aid measures

In 2018, there were approximately 100.000 accidents at work in Austria. The right emergency procedure decide on the prospective health condition of the person. First aiders are the first and most important link in the rescue chain.

First aid is a field of knowledge in which measures, actions, rules of procedure or legal regulations may change from time to time. It is therefore necessary to refresh the knowledge regularly in order to stay up to date.


AUVA app: First Aid – Hand Injuries

The new generations of smartphones and tablets are increasingly being used for a wide variety of purposes. The Austrian Worker´s Compensation Board (AUVA) wants this trend to continue and has begun developing a number of different apps following extensive preparatory work.


Early defibrillation on workplaces

Every year, about 60.000 people in Italy die for heart failure, mostly as a consequence of ventricular fibrillation. To avoid such events, a quick intervention (no more than five minutes later) is necessary, by means of a semi-automatic defibrillator (DAE). 


First aid in workplaces

This Factsheet focuses on the importance to organize, within any workplace, appropriate procedures for the management of emergencies and first aid. First aid represents the earliest assistance given to a victim of an accident or an illness, waiting for qualified sanitary personnel to reach the scene.


ISSA-Instruction "Safety Signs"

The European Directive 92/58/EWG states minimum requirements for safety and health protection markings at the work place, and depicts various categories of markings. Employees must be instructed on the significance of these safety and health protection markings before the start of their employment, also in regular intervals hereafter. 


First aid

This booklet represents a simple tool for a worker who finds himself rescuing a colleague. When needed, it’s fundamental to know what to do, how to act and, above all, what to avoid. 


An easy first aid manual for the Horeca sector

We greatly appreciated the work done by the physicians and the training experts of the French INRS with their valuable “ Sauvetage Secourisme du Travail Guide des données techniques et conduit à tenir”( Inrs Department Formation, 2014) to organize  a simple first aid manual  specifically designed for the  HORECA sector. Many foreign workers are now working in this sector in our Country and some of them are in charge of first aid at work.
