
Risk assessment for SMEs

Eight vital rules for the maintenance of machines and installations

The employer is responsible for occupational safety and health protection in a company. He is responsible

for ensuring that no accidents occur and that the health of employees is not harmed.
The risk assessment for SMEs is addressed to companies with special risks and less than 10 employees. According to the EKAS directive on the involvement of occupational physicians and other occupational safety specialists (ASA directive), companies with special hazards and less than 10 employees can prove systematic assessment of hazards or the measures taken by simple means, e.g. with completed checklists.
For companies with 50 or more employees as well as companies with special hazards and 10 or more employees, an operational safety system (ASA) is mandatory.


Air conditioning systems: health and safety in inspection and sanitization activities

This publication provides useful information for preventing accidents and occupational diseases, which can be related to inspection and sanitization of air conditioning systems. Moreover, it promotes safe behaviours and an appropriate use of equipment and protection devices (collective and personal ones).


Put the T-Rex into the tank

Cleaning tank installations is a difficult subject in occupational safety. Up to now employees are exposed for example to high strain by hydrocarbon vapors and benzol causing cancer. Therefore respiratory protection is necessary. At the same time the hazards caused by working in narrow rooms have to be detected and prevented and in particular safety measures have to be taken in the gas-ex-zone 0. As in this area occurs a dangerous, explosive atmosphere as mixture of air and flammable gases, vapors and fogs. 


ISSA-Instruction Maintenance in Plants with High Safety Requirements

Maintenance is part of the usual business in process plants. As indicated in various legal and technical standards, the instruction of workers for safety topics is crucial. In practice, it is very difficult to ensure safety. The accident rate of maintenance work is still a major focus point. 



PARI Maintenance is a risk assessment software, based on the risk assessment standard EN ISO 14121-1. The tool allows maintenance workers to perform risk studies by analysing hazardous situations occurring in maintenance and repair operations.


Maintenance and Changes in Plants with High Safety Requirements

This brochure is focussed on hazards that are associated with maintenance and changes. It presents case studies and practical solutions to control such hazards.
