El riesgo biológico en los lugares de trabajo

Lo siento, este artículo está disponible solamente en la versión original italiana.

Aquí se encuentra el resumen en inglés:

This publication, by means of 30 technical-informative “Sheets”, illustrates the biological risk in miscellaneous sectors, such as:

  • indoor non-industrial workplaces (i.e. offices, schools);
  • food industry;
  • solid waste collection;
  • sewage treatment;
  • household healthcare;
  • tattoo and piercing centers (according to the most recent trends).

Each “sheet”, referred to a particular activity, provides the following information:

  • main sources of hazard;
  • kinds of biological agents potentially involved;
  • ways of exposure;
  • effects on health;
  • specific preventive and protective measures;
  • suggestions for an environmental monitoring.



Il rischio biologico nei luoghi di lavoro                                     

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Barbara Manfredi, Elisabetta Badellino, Francesca R. Mignacca
INAIL, Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro, Direzione Centrale Prevenzione
Piazzale Giulio Pastore 6
00144 Roma
Tel: (+39) 06/54872111-2083
Mail: b.manfredi@inail.it e.badellino@inail.it f.mignacca@inail.ithttp://safety-work.org/

Homepage: http://www.inail.it