Exposure to hand-arm vibration

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The factsheet regards the exposure to hand-arm vibration (HAV). Depending on their frequency, these mechanical stresses are transmitted from vibrating work tools (drills, hammers, grinders, etc.,) to hand and then, to other parts of the body.

Primary factors are the acceleration and duration of exposure: they can lead to temporary or chronic pathologies, for the nervous and blood peripheral system and the musculoskeletal system; determinants of risk are also the applied force, the extension of the contact surface, exposure to low temperatures, repetitive movements and postures.

The Legislative Decree no. 81/08 (Chapter VIII, Title III, Ann. XXXV), shows the risk assessment systems and guidelines to prevent the effects of these stresses (exposure limit and daily action values).

The risk assessment can be made, either directly by measuring quantitatively the weighted accelerations and daily exposure times, and by using the INAIL Vibration Database (www.portaleagentifisici.it) that shows both the weighted accelerations of various instruments, measured directly on the field and declared by the manufacturers.

An effective reduction of the exposure is primarily concerned with the reduction of vibrations at the source by replacing the tools used (or parts of them), with more ergonomic ones, and by using anti-vibration gloves (certified according to UNI EN ISO 10819); secondly by reducing the time of exposure.



L’esposizione a vibrazioni al sistema mano-braccio (Italian)

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